We’ve averaged out the interest rate predictions from four leading experts.

The Federal Reserve has announced that they'll be hiking interest rates in 2022. Today I’ll talk about what that will look like. Check out the video above to see the handy graphs.

Four industry experts have released their predictions for interest rate levels for each quarter of 2022, and we’ve averaged them all out. At the end of Q1, rates are expected to be at about 3.3%. They’re projected to sit at 3.45% after Q2, 3.55% after Q3, and 3.7% after Q4. 

Those numbers may be shocking because we've gotten so accustomed to these low rates. However, don't forget that these are still incredibly low interest rates from a historical perspective. Over the past 50 years, interest rates have averaged between 4.1% and 12.7%. That means home affordability is still fantastic today, and it’s a great opportunity for homebuyers.

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